Social Performance Results

Employee Development and Care

Additional Benefits Beyond Legal Requirements

Social Security Fund
Provident Fund
Savings Cooperative
Annual Health Check-ups
Accident Insurance
Life Insurance
Health Insurance
Funeral Assistance
Seniority-based Benefits
Discounts on Group Company Products
Company Activities

Company Activities

Company Outing
New Year Celebration
Songkran Festival Celebration
Company Outing
New Year Celebration
Songkran Festival Celebration

Workplace Safety

Safety and Occupational Health Policy

The company recognizes that the health and safety of personnel, as well as a suitable working environment, are critical issues that must be prioritized. The company strictly complies with relevant legal requirements, provides a safe working environment, and promotes good hygiene practices. All involved personnel are ensured safety, free from accidents and work-related illnesses. Additionally, the company adheres to the Compensation Act B.E. 2537 (1994) by contributing to the Compensation Fund as required by law to provide compensation to employees who experience work-related injuries.

Human Rights Management SGFinance+

The company supports, promotes, and is committed to implementing the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP), emphasizing key principles of protecting rights, respecting rights, and providing remedies in cases of human rights violations resulting from business operations.

This commitment aims to prevent and avoid human rights violations concerning the company's employees, business partners, suppliers (including contractors and customers), and local communities.

The company has announced Human Rights Respect Policy and guidelines for executives and employees within the group, as well as for business partners. This policy aligns with the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) by the United Nations, the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP), the UN Global Compact Guide to Develop a Policy, and the International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

The company adheres to the key principles outlined in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP), which are based on the following three pillars:

Pillar 1:
Protecting Human Rights
This means that the state has a duty to protect against human rights violations related to business operations, whether caused by state organizations or private business entities.
Pillar 2:
Respecting Human Rights
This means that individuals and business entities, regardless of the type or size of the business, have a responsibility to respect human rights.
Pillar 3:
This refers to the processes of rectifying, restoring, and compensating for impacts or violations of human rights resulting from business operations. Both the state and businesses must establish effective mechanisms for providing remedies.

The company is committed to and applies the principles of Pillar 2: Respecting Human Rights and Pillar 3: Remedy in business operations.

Human Rights Management Process

The company’s human rights management process consists of five steps: